Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Let's Compare San Diego to Carson
It's a scientific fact that the San Diego Chargers are America's finest team and should be playing in America's finest city. Let's run a test and compare San Diego to Carson.
San Diego is a shining city by the sea.
Carson is an urban ethnic cesspool.
San Diego represents love of God, country and family.
Carson represents love of Obama, malt liquor and food stamps.
If San Diego were a woman she would be pure and virginal without a taint of ethnicity or liberalism.
If Carson were a woman, she would have vaginal sores and be turning tricks in a car.
San Diego believes that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Carson isn't familiar with the word.
San Diego is fish tacos, craft beer, and any type of fast food chain you can dream of.
Carson is a box of Twinkies and a warm Tecate.
San Diego supports the troops.
Carson supports the Black Panthers.and Cesar Chavez.
San Diego girls look like the All American Girl.
Carson girls look like Obama's angry black wife.
San Diego wants their country back.
Carson wants more crack.
The choice is clear. The San Diego Chargers belong in San Diego and not some mongrel city like Carson. Say no to socialism and miscegenation. Say yes to the mighty Chargers. Say yes to your San Diego Super Chargers!
Build the stadium!
GO BOLTS!!!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jeff Moorad Loves Illegal Immigration

"Wake Up Arizona! is a coalition of Arizonans concerned about the unintended consequences of the state’s new employer sanctions law".
Wake Up Arizona? How about WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! This group clearly hopes to weaken the US laws which have made this country great. These unwashed filthy immigrants will dilute our American superiority just like the blacks, Muslums and Italions did. Moorad and his liberal group of friends want to undermine America by introducing an inferior seed to the gene pool. Can Sharia law be far behind?
I can understand if Moorad wants to hire illegal workers. America has a long proud history of cheap labor provided by mongrels - it's what made this country great. Free market capitalism needs cheap foreign labor to serve as a scarecrow for the lazy US legal workers who expect a lifelong job. A cheap underpaid foreigner workforce with no citizenship rights or political power is the fuel that keeps our glorious economy humming along.
our wife!Cheap illegal labor is a great thing, but that doesn't mean these people need to be coddled. What part of ILLEGAL does Jeff Moorad not understand? These people are not real Americans and should not be treated as ones. I think Moorad should spend a few months working on a farm. Maybe then, he will understand the importance of good breeding. You give a Mexican a free pass in this country, and the next thing you know he is stealing your car. Then he wants minimum wage and child labor laws passed. Before you know it, he is upstairs in bed with your wife.
The great thing about San Diego is that we are morally and genetically superior to the east coast cities and LA, and San FAGcisco. Padres and Chargers fans are superior as well. We reject Satan, multiculturalism, socialism, Kenyan Presidents, mass transit, and libraries. Watching the Padres game last night on TV, I couldn't believe how many people in the Phillies stands were Jewish, Italion, Irish, black, Arab and who knows what other evil ethnicity. Philadelphia fans looked like the Iraqi terrorists who attacked America on 9/11.
You wont see that at Petco. Thats' why San Diego is morally superior. But if Moorad and his La Raza group has his way, soon Petco will resemble a pointy headed, east coast ethnic cesspool . Wake Up Padres Fans!Jeff Moorad needs to disavow himself from this threatening and evil group, or else sell the team.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Hip Hip Hooray

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Manning Loses; Congress Lady Shot

Friday, December 24, 2010
Cincinnati Is Pathetic

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Padres Need Luke Scott

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Liberals and Terrorists Celebrate Padres Loss