Do you remember how great it was to be a Padres fan in 1984? Not only did the team go to the World Series, they also had several players who represented all that is good about America. Eric Show, Dave Dravecky, and Mark Thurmond were members of the John Birch Society, a group that opposes liberalism and filthy east coast values. They worked hard on and off the field to show fans that Democrats are evil and subhuman. This was a glorious time for the Padres and the fans as we rallied against our pointy headed ethnic enemies.
Lately the liberal godless media has been making a big deal about Adrian Gonzalez being traded to Boston. All I can say is good riddance. This guy was as anti-American as they come. His mongrel blood and La Raza sympathies did not belong in San Diego. He is a disgrace to this great land of ours. He is a troublemaker and I am glad he is gone.
Now John Moorad needs to get rid of the other troublemakers on the team. Blanks, Venerable, Maybin and Cabrera have been lazy on the field and spewing their socialist propaganda in the clubhouse. They have been treasonous and they need to be traded. I'm sure they will fit right in on some team that plays in a city which voted for Obama and socialism.
The other day I was listening to the Sean Hannity radio program and learned that the liberal media has been crucifying a great American named Luke Scott. He plays for the Orioles and told the truth about Obama being born in Kenya, and wanting to take guns away from white people. Sure enough, the liberal media has persecuted him, just like they used to do in Nazi Germany.
This is a great opportunity for Moorad and the Padres to bring in a real American player that all real Americans can root for. The Padres could become a team once again that represented all that is good about America. Being a Padres fan would send a message that we oppose Obama and his socialism. This would be a team that all real Americans could cheer for. An American Team made up of real Americans.
A note to all my fans: be sure to look for me at today's game. I have a new newsletter to hand out exposing Michelle Obamas secret plan to sterilize all white Americans with her socialized medicine. I feel like I am living on the Planet Of The Apes. I also report on how we need to reject socialism and approve building the new stadium.
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